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The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Aubergine&zucchini bites-healthy,low-carb and low in calories!

This recipe is inspired by my auntie,who always prepare some delicious and HEALTHY meals,time-saving due to her busy life.This one is perfect for a late evening snack-light and full of flavors.It is also really easy and take maybe 10-15 minutes to prepare.So let´s get started!

K tomuto receptu ma inšpirovala moja teta,ktorá vždy pripraví nejaké chutné a zdravé jedlo-časovo nenáročné(kvôli svojmu uponáhľanému životnému štýlu :) Hodí sa ako sváča neskoro večer,príprava je veľmi jednoduchá,zaberie len 10-15 minút.Ideme na to!


* 1 medium aubergine                            * 1 stredný baklažán
* 1 medium zucchini                               * 1 stredná cukinka
* 2-3 tomatoes                                      * 2-3 paradajky
* 1 ball of mozzarella(200g)                   * 1 guľka mozzarely (200g)
* 1 tbs olive oil                                      * 1 pol. lyžica olivového oleja
*  thyme,rosemary,basil                         * tymián,rozmarín,bazalka
* salt                                                     * soľ


1. Preheat the oven to 250 dgr,slice the aubergine and zucchini-about 0,5 cm thick.Slice tomatoes.
   /Vyhrej rúru na 250 stupňov,nakrájaj baklažán a cukinku na plátky-cca 0,5 cm hrubé.Paradajky   
   nakrájaj na tenké plátky./

2. Blend your herbs-1 teaspoon of basil,half tsp of rosemary and half spoon of  thyme plus salt.
    /Pomeľ si bylinky- 1 čaj. lyžička bazalky,pol č.l. rozmarínu,pol č.l. tymiánu plus soľ./

3. To spread seasonings on a slices,use a plastic box-place veggies inside,add seasonings and olive oil,cover     and shake.
    /Ulož plátky do plastovej krabičky,posyp bylinkovou zmesou,pridaj lyžicu olivového oleja,zatvor a       poriadne pretrep aby sa ingrediencie spojili./

4. Place slices on a baking parchment,put-on sliced tomatoes,mozzarella and give them 15-20 minutes in an       oven.
   / Plátky poukladaj na pekáč vystlaný papierom na pečenie,na to plátky paradajky,mozzarelu a šup      s tým do trúby na 15-20 minút. /

5. Here we are-ready to eat,as a snack or a side dish to your lunch/dinner :))
    / hotovo,môže sa degustovať-ako sváča alebo príloha k obedu/večeri. /

* this recipe also in Slovak-regarding to my beloved sister who (shame on her!!)doesn´t speak any English :D
 / recept po prvýkrát aj po slovensky-špeciálne pre moju drahú sestričku ktorá (hanba jej!) nevie ani mäkké Ň po anglicky :) /

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Back to traditions

Since many of you ´ve been asking me for this recipe,I decided to post it on my blog,right here(even i don´t have any proper pictures,but i try to explain procedure very promptly)Pirohy-traditional Slovak dish,is sort of dumplings filled with cheese,meet or whatever you have :D They are very similar to Italian ravioli or tortellini and in Russia they call them pelmene/pelmeni.
They can be prepared so many different ways,so there is not really an universal recipe.The base is a potato dough filled with cheese,but you can experiment by adding a bacon,minced meat or quad. In Slovakia,pirohy are filled with sheep cheese called bryndza-which is a typical Slovak product.I would compare it to Italian ricotta or Greek feta but I couldn´t show-up in my country for a long time :D Despite,i was trying to use feta instead of ´bryndza´once-didn´t work.


for the dough:

* 5 medium potatoes(you will definately need those with more starch like salad potatoes)

* 500g all purpose flour+some extra
* 2 eggs
* 2 tb spoons of oil/butter
* salt
for the filling:
* 200g minced meat
* 100g bacon(small pieces)
* onion
* egg

For a sweet filling you will need quark,sugar and lemon zest-combined,preparation is the same ;)


1. Boil potatoes until soft,let them cool down.Meanwhile prepare the filling:roast the onion,then add bacon
    and minced meat-when ready,set aside.
2. When potatoes are cold,grate them very smooth so you get texture similar to thick mashed potatoes.In a   
    large bowl,combine potatoes+eggs and start adding a flour little by little until the dough is not sticky.On   
    floured surface, knead dough 3 or 4 minutes or until elastic.Cover dough with plastic wrap and     
    refrigerate at least 30 minutes.

3. On a lightly floured surface,roll out the dough to a 2-3mm thickness.using a round cutter,cut the dough.
    Gather scraps,cover with plastic wrap and set aside.Using a teaspoon,portion filling(combined meat   
     mixture with one egg) on every dough circle.

4. With clean, dry hands, fold dough over filling to create a half-moon shape. Press edges    
    together, sealing and crimping with your fingers (or use a fork) as for a pie.

*If dough is dry, moisten edges with egg wash (1 egg beaten with 1 teaspoon water) before 
  pressing edges together. Roll, cut and fill reserved scraps.

5. Bring a deep pot of salted water to boil,reduce the heat and drop 10 pieces at a time to a water.Stir
    immediately,so they don´t stick to the bottom.When they rise to the surface,boil 3 minutes more,or until
    dough is done.

6. Remove with a slotted spoon to a platter that has been smeared with butter(Pirohy wont stick together)
    Repeat until all pirohy are cooked.Serve with sour cream,roasted onion or confectioners´sugar-for sweet

    *my pirohy filled with cheese,served with sour cream,roasted bacon and Viennese onion

    *sweet variant filled with quark

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