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The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Lost recipes part 1

I was planing make more of Christmas-theme posts,but with all going on right now there was basicaly no time.But since I have like million pictures of meals and haven´t made single post lately,I am gonna make it up for you!This post will be dedicated to clean eating and healthy recipe ideas,which I hope you enjoy.I have prepared for you three different meals-breakfast,lunch and a dinner,that are rich in a protein,fiber and vitamins,low in carbs,here you go!

Banana-kiwi smoothie
Fast,yummy and healthy,full of vitamins and fiber.This make your morning,i promise ;)
You will need : 1/2 banana,1 kiwi,100 ml of coconut milk and a pinch of cinnamon
How? -blend everything together and serve fresh,
extra tip: to add some protein you can add 100g of quark as well

Pork sirloin with side of a sweet potato and salad
Perfect for lunch,colorful and healthy-and so easy and quick!
You will need: pork sirloin,1 sweet potato,2 carrots,1 tbs of cream,black pepper,garlic
How?the sliced carrots and potato bake in oven for 20-25 minutes(250°C)when ready,spread over small amount of cream.
Meanwhile fry slices of pork on a coconut oil-cca 2 minutes from both sides(just so meet is not raw)!do not use a salt yet!season only with black pepper and a garlic.
Extra tip: serve with fresh salad made of lettuce,spinach,avocado and cherry tomatoes

 Burrito salad
Suitable for dinner,with no carbs,and high in protein,You will love it :))
Ingredients: mixed salad(ruccola,spinach+something red-more colors,better),tomatoes,cucumber
minced beef,sour cream,homemade salsa and the most important-jalapenos!!
 How?fry the beef on a coconut oil-cca 5 minutes,spread over the salad leaves,top with sliced cucumber,tomato and add sour cream,salsa and jalapenos-easy

Monday, 9 December 2013

15 days until Christmas

Okay.All right-my plan didn´t work :P I was quite busy last five days,so I didn´t get a chance to sit few minutes behind the laptop..therefore I did not post anything since last Wednesday.I apologize :) And I didn´t manage to take any proper pictures(screw me!!)

Thursday 5th
 I went to burn my ass off to the gym :)) and later in evening I was babysitting Kasperi and Vertti.We    
 had much fun together,playing hide and seek and baking ginger breads and decorated them with loads 
 of sugar paste and pearls(I got suspected that some of the decorative past ended up in Vertti´s mouth,he just could not keep his hands of it :)

Friday 6th
The 6th of December is Independence day in Finland.Every market is closed,so you better buy your milk one day before,if you don´t want to drink a morning coffee black :) That´s what happened to us.
Later in a day,family meets for a dinner-I celebrated itsenäisyyspäivä,how they call it,with my boyfriend and his family.We had a glögi,which is form of a wine,heated up and served with almonds and raisins inside the cup.Mäti-salmon eggs with sour cream and rye bread,as an appetizer,then smoked salmon,turkey,reindeer ham,liver casserole with butter potatoes and all the different delicious food.I love Finland when it comes to traditions and cuisine <3 Some day I have to make a post related to this topic ;)

After our stomachs got fulfilled,we trundled ourselves to the sofa and watched the official parade,with Finnish president Sauli Niinistö-shaking hands with hundreds of people..that has gotten quite boring at some point,but I didn´t want to be rude,so I watched it until the end :P

These are Duudsonit- Finnish jackass,and what they wore at the parade :)) I adore their jackets!

Saturday 7th
Right after breakfast I went to a ´cave´ with my Brazilian friend Benoit,climb some walls.I only started about a month ago,but I really got into it,it´s kind of addictive sport.And great workout for shoulders and back.

*to be continued

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

20 days until Christmas

I don´t really like all the Christmas commercials and markets selling Christmas stuff already in October..that is so annoying,and it makes me furious!BUT-when It turns to December,then I get excited and start to count days-I decorate our home (candles and red always works ;) bake some gingerbreads and enjoy the warm atmosphere.This year,I decided to make a Christmas special and unforgettable :) Every day,I share with you,,what am I doing and how do I prepare for a most beautiful time of the year!

Today I enjoyed my day-off,actually I got whole week-off,cos my host family went for a vacation.So therefore,I can use this time for cleaning and getting ready for my trip back home.The 20th December I am flying to Slovakia to spend holiday with my family and love ones(after two previous Christmas here in Finland) I caaan´t wait to come home and have all the beautiful food my mom prepares and just enjoy our cozy home for couple of days.Not that Finnish Christmas wouldn´t be good enough-I love Finnish traditions and meals,but it´s time to be home this Christmas and New Year!

Here is what I did today-after waking up late(oh you have no idea how much I like to sleep :)) I started the day with breakfast and a Gossip girl marathon-I have to admit,I might be too old for this series,BUT I just love scenes from NY city,costumes and most of all-the gorgeous Blake Lively and charismatic Ed Westwick.So yeah,I am watching the 3rd series for a second time now-NO comment ;) Then I did some to do list,which includes to get a new TV-stand and some other things we still need to our apartment.I especially like the one from the picture above.      

After a gym session we went to a shopping mall with my boyfriend-guess what was the first place to visit?To satisfy two hungry stomachs-there was only one option-SUSHI,I can´t think of anything else to eat rather than a beautiful sushi with a hint of wasabi-that is always a BIG TIME for me,I keep smiling like a fool and feel so happy :))

This is what we got from our shopping for a Christmas decoration.The furry pillow and a poinsettia-or a Christmas star.Something is still missing,but about that next time ;) Dot.How was your day?
Thank you for visiting my blog,please comment and subscribe <3

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Aubergine&zucchini bites-healthy,low-carb and low in calories!

This recipe is inspired by my auntie,who always prepare some delicious and HEALTHY meals,time-saving due to her busy life.This one is perfect for a late evening snack-light and full of flavors.It is also really easy and take maybe 10-15 minutes to prepare.So let´s get started!

K tomuto receptu ma inšpirovala moja teta,ktorá vždy pripraví nejaké chutné a zdravé jedlo-časovo nenáročné(kvôli svojmu uponáhľanému životnému štýlu :) Hodí sa ako sváča neskoro večer,príprava je veľmi jednoduchá,zaberie len 10-15 minút.Ideme na to!


* 1 medium aubergine                            * 1 stredný baklažán
* 1 medium zucchini                               * 1 stredná cukinka
* 2-3 tomatoes                                      * 2-3 paradajky
* 1 ball of mozzarella(200g)                   * 1 guľka mozzarely (200g)
* 1 tbs olive oil                                      * 1 pol. lyžica olivového oleja
*  thyme,rosemary,basil                         * tymián,rozmarín,bazalka
* salt                                                     * soľ


1. Preheat the oven to 250 dgr,slice the aubergine and zucchini-about 0,5 cm thick.Slice tomatoes.
   /Vyhrej rúru na 250 stupňov,nakrájaj baklažán a cukinku na plátky-cca 0,5 cm hrubé.Paradajky   
   nakrájaj na tenké plátky./

2. Blend your herbs-1 teaspoon of basil,half tsp of rosemary and half spoon of  thyme plus salt.
    /Pomeľ si bylinky- 1 čaj. lyžička bazalky,pol č.l. rozmarínu,pol č.l. tymiánu plus soľ./

3. To spread seasonings on a slices,use a plastic box-place veggies inside,add seasonings and olive oil,cover     and shake.
    /Ulož plátky do plastovej krabičky,posyp bylinkovou zmesou,pridaj lyžicu olivového oleja,zatvor a       poriadne pretrep aby sa ingrediencie spojili./

4. Place slices on a baking parchment,put-on sliced tomatoes,mozzarella and give them 15-20 minutes in an       oven.
   / Plátky poukladaj na pekáč vystlaný papierom na pečenie,na to plátky paradajky,mozzarelu a šup      s tým do trúby na 15-20 minút. /

5. Here we are-ready to eat,as a snack or a side dish to your lunch/dinner :))
    / hotovo,môže sa degustovať-ako sváča alebo príloha k obedu/večeri. /

* this recipe also in Slovak-regarding to my beloved sister who (shame on her!!)doesn´t speak any English :D
 / recept po prvýkrát aj po slovensky-špeciálne pre moju drahú sestričku ktorá (hanba jej!) nevie ani mäkké Ň po anglicky :) /

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Back to traditions

Since many of you ´ve been asking me for this recipe,I decided to post it on my blog,right here(even i don´t have any proper pictures,but i try to explain procedure very promptly)Pirohy-traditional Slovak dish,is sort of dumplings filled with cheese,meet or whatever you have :D They are very similar to Italian ravioli or tortellini and in Russia they call them pelmene/pelmeni.
They can be prepared so many different ways,so there is not really an universal recipe.The base is a potato dough filled with cheese,but you can experiment by adding a bacon,minced meat or quad. In Slovakia,pirohy are filled with sheep cheese called bryndza-which is a typical Slovak product.I would compare it to Italian ricotta or Greek feta but I couldn´t show-up in my country for a long time :D Despite,i was trying to use feta instead of ´bryndza´once-didn´t work.


for the dough:

* 5 medium potatoes(you will definately need those with more starch like salad potatoes)

* 500g all purpose flour+some extra
* 2 eggs
* 2 tb spoons of oil/butter
* salt
for the filling:
* 200g minced meat
* 100g bacon(small pieces)
* onion
* egg

For a sweet filling you will need quark,sugar and lemon zest-combined,preparation is the same ;)


1. Boil potatoes until soft,let them cool down.Meanwhile prepare the filling:roast the onion,then add bacon
    and minced meat-when ready,set aside.
2. When potatoes are cold,grate them very smooth so you get texture similar to thick mashed potatoes.In a   
    large bowl,combine potatoes+eggs and start adding a flour little by little until the dough is not sticky.On   
    floured surface, knead dough 3 or 4 minutes or until elastic.Cover dough with plastic wrap and     
    refrigerate at least 30 minutes.

3. On a lightly floured surface,roll out the dough to a 2-3mm thickness.using a round cutter,cut the dough.
    Gather scraps,cover with plastic wrap and set aside.Using a teaspoon,portion filling(combined meat   
     mixture with one egg) on every dough circle.

4. With clean, dry hands, fold dough over filling to create a half-moon shape. Press edges    
    together, sealing and crimping with your fingers (or use a fork) as for a pie.

*If dough is dry, moisten edges with egg wash (1 egg beaten with 1 teaspoon water) before 
  pressing edges together. Roll, cut and fill reserved scraps.

5. Bring a deep pot of salted water to boil,reduce the heat and drop 10 pieces at a time to a water.Stir
    immediately,so they don´t stick to the bottom.When they rise to the surface,boil 3 minutes more,or until
    dough is done.

6. Remove with a slotted spoon to a platter that has been smeared with butter(Pirohy wont stick together)
    Repeat until all pirohy are cooked.Serve with sour cream,roasted onion or confectioners´sugar-for sweet

    *my pirohy filled with cheese,served with sour cream,roasted bacon and Viennese onion

    *sweet variant filled with quark

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Lemon chicken & american pancakes

Days are getting more and more colder,and with the winter behind the door we need to cheer up our minds
with some fine food again :)) This time it comes to my favorite Lemon chicken and as a dessert- fluffy american pancakes.Both very simple,tasty and addictive dishes :D

For the chicken,you will need :
* 1 whole chicken
* 2 tbsp olive oil
* 1 medium lemon
* 10 garlic cloves
* salt
* black pepper
* 3 tsp rosemary
* 2 tsp thyme

   1. Preheat the oven to 200 dgr

2. Place chicken in a baking pan,season generously inside and out with salt and pepper.Shred lemon zest on     the top,add 4 pressed garlic cloves,thyme and rosemary-drizzle the oil and rub all over the skin.

3. Cut lemon in 4,put it inside the cavity with unpeeled garlic cloves and place the chicken breasts-side up
    in a large baking pan.Roast the chicken in the oven for 1 hour(200 dgr.) on the top,give it 10-15 minutes
    under the grill to achieve golden crispy skin.

4. Remove from the oven and place on a cutting board.Let it rest for about 15 minutes before carving.

* Variant for chicken leg-lovers,when preparation is the same,only you place lemons and garlic 
   cloves around and between chicken legs.And its not necessary to roast it for whole hour

 Modified american pancakes


* 1/2 liter of milk
* 2 medium eggs
* 300 gr. all purpose flour
* 2 tbsp butter-melted
* 1 tbsp sugar
* 2 tsp baking powder
* salt

1. Whisk milk and eggs in a large bowl,add cool melted butter.Mix flour,baking powder,sugar and salt in a
    medium bowl and little by little add to a milk-mixture beating constantly-you should get a smooth batter.
    Let it rest for a few minutes.

2. Heat a non-stick frying pan over the medium heat,and add a ladle of batter,repeat until there is no space
    on a pan anymore.You won´t need an oil,because there is butter inside the batter ;) Wait until top of the
    pancake begins to bubble-just like in the picture below.then turn it over and wait until both sides are  
    golden brown and the pancake has risen about 1 cm thick

3. Then turn it over and wait until both sides are golden brown and the pancake has risen about 1 cm thick.
    repeat,until all batter is used up.

    Ta-daa,we ´ve got like 1 kilo of pancakes,cos i was using double batter :D :D You never know,when you
    get there is need for a pancake,so I ´ve put the rest in a freezer.For some lonely desperate moments haha


    And voila-serve pancakes with fresh or sterilized fruits,whipped cream and maybe some toppings ;)
   * make it,love it,share it and comment! *

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Lazy sunday,cookies and salmon fillet

It has been quite a while since my last recipe post,so here I go-Salmon fillet and Chocolate cookies,both very easy,quick and delicious!
For a first meal you will need 500g salmon fillet,lemon zest,chunky black pepper,salt and butter.
As a side dish you can make a salad made of lettuce,ruccola and honey-melon,nothing complicated
try to keep it simple ;)

1. Cut the fillet into 5cm pieces,season with a lemon zest and black pepper.Heat a butter in a large pan,
    then fry the salmon 4-5minutes each side until golden and the flash flakes easily.In the end add salt
    and serve with fresh salad ;) That´s it,now enjoy!

 For chocolate cookies you will need :

250g unsalted butter,at room temperature
2 cups sugar
2 large eggs
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
3/4 cup cocoa powder
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
caster sugar for garnish

 1. In a large bowl,shred butter and add sugar.Shredding a butter makes all easier.First combine
     together using a wooden spoon then cream with a hand mixer.Add eggs and vanilla to the creamy
     mixture and mix until combined.

 2. In a medium bowl, mix the cocoa powder, flour, baking soda, and salt. Slowly add the dry   
     ingredients to creamy mixture and continue mixing until incorporated.

3. Roll the dough into 2 logs using a baking paper and place to thefreezerfor15-20minutes.After,
    preheat the oven to 175 degrees.Once thoroughly chilled, slice the cookies into 1,5cm thick rounds
    and cover with caster sugar.Place on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes.

4.Remove from a hotplate and let it cool down.Enjoy with coffee or glass of milk ;)

*this recipe has been inspired by  food network,picture from babble

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Summer in pieces

Now,when the summer is definitely over,everything is frozen outside and sun is hiding behind clouds
now is the time to share some warm memories.Summer 2013´s been an adventure and let´s hope 
the next one is gonna be at least as great as this was!I will miss..

cruise trip to Stockholm

eating lot of ice.cream

watching at a sunset (Åland,island between Finland and Sweden)


our lazy evenings with red wine and Angrybirds

mild temperatures at the beginning of summer
(Pori,western Finland)

blue sky and warm water
(Noormarkku,western Finland)

eating barbecue almost every day

summer parties and crazy outfits(somewhere here
I have decided to change my hair color :P )

coming back to Bratislava(sorry for the bad quality picture)

eating sushi and sipping sake on a terrace

smoking a waterpipe fof hours with my lovely cousin

wandering in a ZOO with cup of cold beer ;)

staring at a turtle :D

camping in a tent(Croatia)

dipping our white legs in seawater

having a breakfast at seaside

enjoying pure water and warm sun for a whole day

snorkeling and sunbathing

having a great time in a largest Slovak aquapark(Tatralandia)

chillin´at a parent´s garden

drinking some good quality Czech and Slovak beer

coming back from a road trip,passing UFO-restaurant

driving many many  kilometers in only 8 days

fighting with a crab

and I will miss last summer days in Finland <3
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